


CrossFit is a highly effective strength and conditioning program that combines gymnastics, weightlifting and cardio.


Olympic Weightlifting

Olympic Weightlifting is an important aspect of our training. We have partnered with Move Mountains Training by Hunter Elam to bring you world class instruction and coaching with programs designed to help entry level and advanced lifters improve the technique of the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. 

In addition to our class based instruction we also offer several individualized programming and coaching options to help you reach your specific goals.  


Aerobic Capacity

Our Aerobic Capacity is a specialized program designed to target stamina and endurance. As CrossFit’s 10 recognized fitness domains, cardiovascular and respiratory endurance is a key component to a well-rounded athlete. 


1-on-1 Gymnastics Coaching

Need extra coaching to get your 1st Muscle up, Pull-up,  Handstand push up or any gymnastic movement?  Book 30 mins with Coach Rene and get extra tips and corrections specific for your needs.

Price $50


Sports Training

Our Athletic Development Program is designed to improve the performance of high school, collegiate and professional athletes. Athletes train directly with Coach Rene, Head-coach of Yellow Falcon.


Personal Training

You will work directly with Coach Rene; Head-coach of Yellow Falcon to set up a plan tailored to your needs, schedule, budget and goals.