Unlimited Membership


  • CrossFit

  • Open Gym

Monthly $180*

3 Months $499 (Paid in Full)*

6 Months $978 (Paid in Full)*

1 Year $1920 (Paid in Full)*

*All memberships auto-renew on the 1st of every month.

*5 days before your membership expires you will receive an email alerting you that your membership will auto-renew and your card will be charge.

*If you which to cancel your membership please send us an email at least 5 days before your membership ends so we can cancel the charge.

*No refunds will be made after a card is charge.

*If you need to hold your membership, send us an email with the start and end date to be put on hold. Must be 2 weeks or more. No Holds for less than 14 days.